Scotty Shively
Phone: 501.376.2121
Fax: 501.376.2122
To schedule: please call our Little Rock office at 501.376.2121
Scotty Shively has practiced law in Little Rock for thirty-one years, primarily in the areas of employment and labor law, medical and healthcare law, and complex civil litigation. As an advocate, she has appeared before judges, juries, administrative agencies, arbitrators and mediators, and has counseled her clients on compliance with laws and the resolution of disputes and issues. Since 1996, her practice has included arbitration and mediation as a neutral, serving on the American Arbitration Association's and American Health Lawyer Association's panels of arbitrators and mediators. In 2004, she completed a 200-hour Graduate Certificate of Conflict Resolution, and is certified by the Arkansas Alternative Dispute Resolution Commission as a mediator in Circuit Courts. Ms. Shively joined ADR, Inc. in 2012 in order to concentrate her practice focus on arbitration, mediation, and other methods of conflict resolution. Her past legal and neutral experience and training qualify her to address and amicably resolve conflict at all levels and involving a range of legal issues.
University of Arkansas at Little Rock School of Law, J.D., 1981
Southeast Missouri State University, B.S., Magna Cum Laude, 1967
Work History
ADR, Inc.: Arbitrator, Civil Mediator, Conflict Resolution Facilitator, February 2012 – present
Cross, Gunter Witherspoon & Galchus, P.C.: Of Counsel, 2008 – 2012; Director, 1997-2007
Robinson, Staley & Marshall, P.A.: Partner, 1985 –1997
House, Holmes & Jewell, P.A.: Associate Attorney, 1981 –1985
Mediation/Arbitration Training
Graduate Certificate in Conflict Resolution; University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2004
American Arbitration Association Courses: Employment Arbitrator Training, 1996, 2 days; Advanced Employment Arbitration Training, 2002; Arbitration Update, 2001; various ACE courses
American Health Lawyer Association Courses: Mediation Training: 1997, 3-day; Arbitration Training, 2002, 1-day
Certified Mediator by Arkansas ADR Commission
Professional Affiliations
Pulaski County Bar Association, Member since 1981, past Board of Directors
Arkansas Bar Association, Member and past Chair of Dispute Resolution, Health Law and Labor and Employment Law Sections, and Law School Committee; House of Delegates, 1997-2000; Arkansas Bar Foundation Fellow-1986, Board of Directors- 2009-present
Special Justice for Arkansas Supreme Court
American Bar Association, Member of Dispute Resolution Section, Health Law Forum, Labor & Employment Law Section, and ADR in Labor & Employment Law Committee
American Health Lawyers Association, past Co-Chair of Employment Law Practice Group & Newsletter Editor, Dispute Resolution Panel of Arbitrators and Mediators
Arkansas Conflicts Resolution Association, Member, and past Board of Directors
Rotary Club 99 Member, Paul Harris Fellow